There will be a modified schedule for the last week of April (next week). We will post class options to choose from soon. New classes will start on May 3rd. May classes will be chosen with a staff member next week.
Morning Meetings
The morning meetings are going to be very important this week. Please do not be late!
Student Resources Page
Please familiarize yourself with the student resources page on our website. This has the link to the daily blog that you should check every day while attending Futures Explored until further notice. The Daily Newsletter will replace the emails that have been out. Please continue to check the Daily Newsletter at https://www.feonline.org/students and click "Daily Blog".
Students can sign up HERE to receive an email reminder for the Daily blog. You will receive an email notification every time a new one is posted.
Summer Classes May class choices will happen the last week of April with a staff member. Please make sure you are there! We will have a modified schedule that week for classes that you can choose from.
Student Absences Please fill out our absence form if you plan on missing a class. This will automatically send a message to your teachers. Thanks! www.feonline.org/fmsabsences
Rosters and Schedule
Meetings and Guest Speakers
The next mandatory morning meetings for Virtual Students are on...
Sacramento - Monday at 9:30 am
Livermore - Tuesday at 9:30 am
Stockton - Friday at 9:30 am
Links to the morning meetings are on the website schedule
Special Guests:
Zoom Class Information
The password for ALL classes will be the same: futures
The password to the student resources page on the website is futures
When you arrive in the zoom meeting, you will be entered into a "Waiting Room". The staff will let you in, please be patient. This is to increase our security.
Use your real name for your participant name. We are now requiring all online participants to please write their REAL name for your zoom meeting ID.
Please remember to respond to staff phone check-ins when appropriate.
Please observe our professional etiquette rules when in a special guest session.
Attendance to your site's morning meeting is required every week.
You are expected to attend 3 classes per day online.
Our stay-at-home orders will extend until further notice.
Do not give out the passwords or invite outside people to classes without approval from staff.
Technical problems?
Call or text Nikko DeLuna at 925.325.0972 for assistance over the phone.
By email at nikkodeluna@futures-explored.org
or Rob Livings roblivings@futures-explored.org
Questions about the workshop COVID-19 closure can be directed towards Hester Wagner at
Phone Passwords
Phone password info can be found below (scroll to the far right)